The Details
2025 Events:
• Saturday, May 31
• Thursday, July 31
• Sunday, August 31
2-person team; best ball; 36 holes; walking only
$550 per person – includes two rounds of golf, lunch, dinner, exclusive tee gifts, prizes
Registration Lottery:
Entry window is March 11 at 9 am through March 13 at 11:59 pm. Limit one lottery entry per person. Winning lottery entries will have choice of an available date or waiting list for a full date.
Lottery Notification:
We will begin notifying lottery winners on Monday, March 17. The process takes a few days to complete. Once the events are filled and significant waiting list built for each event, we will let all lottery registrants know that the process has been completed.
A $550 deposit is required to secure your date selection. The deposit is refundable if canceled at least 7 days in advance (if canceled within 7 days a refund will be issued if the spot is able to be filled). You do not need to declare your playing partner until final registration and remaining $550 entry fee is due on the 15th of the month you are participating.
GHIN handicap information is not required at time of registration, however you will need to have an established handicap set prior to the 15th of the month you are participating. Participants must have a registered GHIN handicap to be eligible for the net awards.
When final registration is submitted, participants will be asked if they have a pairing preference with another participating team. Those teams will be paired together for both rounds. If there is no preference, participants will be paired with a different team for the second round.
Tee Times:
Tee times for the first round typically run from 7:30 am to 8:45 am. You will be notified of your first-round tee time approximately three days in advance of the event.
Competition begins with a 1/10 split start on the Red course. After golfers complete the first round they break for lunch. As soon as the last golfers are putting out on No. 9 and 18, the first wave from the morning round then heads out in the opposite direction on the Black routing utilizing a split start again. Participants gather at the Bootlegger bar following play for dinner and awards.
The Dual is a walking-only event. It began in 2018 when The Loop was a walking-only course and even though carts are now allowed on The Loop, we have kept it walking only to maintain the purity and charm of the event.
When are The Dual at The Loop events held?
Regardless of the year, The Dual will always be held May 31, July 31 and August 31. The Loop course alternates play daily during the season with the Red routing on even calendar days and Black routing on odd calendar days. There are three months during our season with 31 days and one of the reasons we started this event was to prevent having back-to-back days on the Black routing while using this system.
Based on the logo design, shouldn’t it be spelled The Duel?
We named the event, The Dual, playing off the word’s meaning of “having two elements.” The Dual is being played on two courses and it’s a two-person best ball event.
When is the registration lottery held?
Historically the registration lottery has a three-day window in mid-March. In 2025 the lottery is being held March 11-13. Beginning in 2026 and beyond, the lottery window will be the Tuesday through Thursday of the first full week in February.
The Dual at The Loop Lottery
Lottery entries for the 2025 events will close March 13, 2025. Fill out the form below to enter.